Simple Tips to up-level your sales page
Here are three mistakes that you might be making on your website that make sales more difficult than they need to be.
It’s NOT CLEARwhat the buyer or potentialclients are getting.
Make it as simple and as ridiculously clear as possible to your potential clients and customers what they are getting from you and how your service is going to help their business.
It’s NOT CLEAR what you want thebuyer to do.
Always tell your buyer EXACTLY what to do next so they aren’t left to figure it out on their own.
It’s NOT CLEAR how the buyer can getwhat you’re selling.
Use one call to action and keep it simple using “BUY” never hurt anyone. You don’t want your customers getting lost on your site. Don’t make it hard for your customer to buy your call to action button should be as clear as possible and take them directly to the next step not to another sales page to learn more.
For more copywriting tips join us on December 9th at 8:00 pm EST.
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See you on December 9th!!
xo Kelly + Marlo